Sign up to volunteer at our meets here
Volunteer Info
Home Base - You will stay at our home base on the infield, where kids will hang out when they are not competing or lining up. Be sure all kids stay in the area of home base and don't wander off. If kids are misbehaving (wrestling, playing with the turf, etc.) do not be afraid to correct the behavior. A game of duck duck goose can go a long way to keep kids entertained while waiting to run! If a kid needs to use the restroom, please seek out their parent to bring them or have a coach/parent volunteer walk them there. No kid should leave the track area without an adult. As kids finish their final race, you can hand out lollipops and ensure that they find their parents.
Movers - There will be one mover per age group (8, 7, 6) and gender. Your job will be to bring children to line up for each race when a coach tells you it is their turn. Once the kids are lined up and ready to race, you should go to the finish line to collect your group and bring them back to home base.
Timers - You will be at the finish line timing one lane for the 50m and 200m races. You will give the times to the recorders for each team. More specific instructions will be given at the beginning of the meet, and stopwatches will be provided.
Recorders - You will be at the finish line recording/writing the times from the timers for each kid during the 800m, 50m and 200m races. Each kids has a name tag with a number for recording.
Long Jump - You will be recording the jump measurements for each kid at the long jump pits. Someone will read the measurement to you for recording. During home meets, Long Jump happens at 5:30pm, so the volunteers need to arrive early. During away meets, we have different age groups jump as time allows throughout the meet.
Results Entry - After the meet is over, you will be given the results sheet. Your job will be to copy the hand written times/distances from the recorder sheets into a google sheet, organized by runner number. This can be done at any time during the season, as we will hand out the results after the final meet.
Movers - There will be one mover per age group (8, 7, 6) and gender. Your job will be to bring children to line up for each race when a coach tells you it is their turn. Once the kids are lined up and ready to race, you should go to the finish line to collect your group and bring them back to home base.
Timers - You will be at the finish line timing one lane for the 50m and 200m races. You will give the times to the recorders for each team. More specific instructions will be given at the beginning of the meet, and stopwatches will be provided.
Recorders - You will be at the finish line recording/writing the times from the timers for each kid during the 800m, 50m and 200m races. Each kids has a name tag with a number for recording.
Long Jump - You will be recording the jump measurements for each kid at the long jump pits. Someone will read the measurement to you for recording. During home meets, Long Jump happens at 5:30pm, so the volunteers need to arrive early. During away meets, we have different age groups jump as time allows throughout the meet.
Results Entry - After the meet is over, you will be given the results sheet. Your job will be to copy the hand written times/distances from the recorder sheets into a google sheet, organized by runner number. This can be done at any time during the season, as we will hand out the results after the final meet.
All volunteers should report at 5:30pm to the starting line to receive instructions.
Thank you for your help in making our meets run smoothly!!
Thank you for your help in making our meets run smoothly!!